Bill Wagner's - The Entrepreneur Next Door
Management Skills Test

165 questions, 45 min
Part 1 of 9

  1. I naturally take up more space in a conversation.

    Completely agree
    Mostly agree
    Somewhat agree/somewhat disagree
    Mostly disagree
    Completely disagree

  2. Your employee's client has rescheduled his/her appointment again. This is not the first time your employee cancels prior engagements to accommodate this client's schedule. Each time s/he is inconvenienced and has become quite irritated. Your employee asks for your advice as to how s/he should deal with the client. Your employee is obviously annoyed but the client is an important one. How do you respond to your employee?

    I suggest s/he contact the client to try securing a commitment on the client's part for their next meeting without letting on that s/he is irritated.
    I suggest s/he ask the client to give him/her longer notice the next time s/he has to cancel without letting on that s/he is irritated.
    I suggest s/he be matter-of-fact with the client when trying to reschedule while maintaining professionalism - without letting on that she is irritated.
    I suggest s/he resist the urge to say anything but make his/her displeasure obvious (tone of voice and/or non-verbal behavior).
    I suggest s/he tell the client that it was inconvenient.
    I suggest s/he tell the client that it was disrespectful.
    I take over the account and deal with it my way.

  3. I've found that when I give a person feedback...

    the person is frequently offended.
    the person is at times offended.
    the person is rarely, if ever, offended.

  4. Evidence shows that team work is...

    most effective when tasks are complex, requiring multiple skills, varied viewpoints and levels of experience.
    most effective when tasks are routine and repetitive, so that every member knows exactly what to do and when to do it.
    not very effective, regardless of circumstance.

  5. I am under the impression that people's reactions to me come out of the blue (e.g., they become defensive, aggressive or withdrawn without an apparent reason).

    Quite often

  6. When hiring a new employee, it's important to get a good sense of his/her …

    skills/expertise and personality.

  7. I experience ____ when telling an employee that his/her work is only satisfactory, when I know that she expects an above satisfactory rating.

    high discomfort
    some discomfort
    very little discomfort
    no discomfort

  8. In your opinion, how your employees perceive you is...

    extremely relevant to your department's success.
    very relevant to your department's success.
    somewhat relevant to the success of your department.
    not really relevant to the success of your department.
    not at all relevant to the success of your department.

  9. I feel as though I can't take a one-day vacation without things falling apart.

    Completely agree
    Mostly agree
    Somewhat agree/somewhat disagree
    Mostly disagree
    Completely disagree

  10. You wish to increase a senior employee's motivation. To maximize your chances, you...

    give her a challenging but achievable task.
    give her an easy task.
    give her a stretch target (i.e., one that is nearly impossible to achieve).

  11. Although I may have every intention of staying quiet on an issue (e.g., someone may be offended/hurt), I end up expressing my opinion.


  12. When assigning a challenging task, it's more productive...

    not to give a due date - deadlines put unnecessary stress on employees and hamper productivity.
    to give a very flexible due date - people need a date to strive for but one should not be strict about it.
    to give a set due date.

  13. Psychometric testing is...

    useful and should be done systematically for all candidates.
    useful and should be done systematically for promising candidates.
    useful but should be done on an as needed basis - when the manager has doubts about a specific area.
    useless - candidates will only lie in order to look good on tests.

  14. I experience ____ when responding to an employee who is upset over my rating of his/her performance.

    high discomfort
    some discomfort
    very little discomfort
    no discomfort

  15. You have so much to do this week that it appears you won't get everything done. One of the things on your list is to plan a presentation for an important client. You have plenty of ideas, but time is running out. One of your most hard-working employees offers to take over this responsibility for you in order to liberate some of your time. How do you respond?

    I gladly hand the job over to her.
    I reluctantly hand the job over.
    I hand the job over to her and suggest that we meet to discuss some of my ideas.
    I hand the job over to her, but agonize over it and end up doing most of the work.
    I turn her down; I feel safer doing it myself.

  16. No matter how much I accomplish, I have a nagging feeling that I should be doing more.

    Quite often

  17. The main reason why one's projects fold is that the external circumstances are not favorable.

    Completely agree
    Mostly agree
    Somewhat agree/somewhat disagree
    Mostly disagree
    Completely disagree

  18. Recruiting close to home - with the company's own personnel or referrals from employees - is generally...

    a bad idea.
    ok, but costs more than recruiting from outside the organization.
    a good idea.

  19. After assigning a particular work team to an important project, I tend to believe that I made the wrong choice until the team proves me wrong.

    Completely agree
    Mostly agree
    Somewhat agree/somewhat disagree
    Mostly disagree
    Completely disagree


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